Causes Of Allergies In Pets
Allergies can make it miserable. Pet allergies can make them miserable. Allergies occur when the body's immune response to a substance is too strong. Pets do not experience the same symptoms as people, such as sneezing and runny noses. Pets are more likely to experience itchy skin or hair loss. There are four possible causes of allergies in pets. Common causes of allergies in dogs and cats are flea bites. Cats and dogs can be allergic to flea bites. Your pet will be scratching, chewing and licking its skin. You may also notice patches of hair loss. When treating your pet, it is important to also treat your home for fleas. Contact dermatitis is side effects of using cbd oil an allergic reaction that occurs when a substance comes in contact with the skin. There are many possible triggers of allergic reactions, including grass, wool, plastic, and chemicals used for lawn care or carpet cleaning. ...