Allergy Causes And Symptoms


People are becoming more allergic each day. Allergies are very common. Research has shown that as many as 50 million Americans suffer from allergies. This is why so many people skip school or miss work every year. Many people don't know what allergies are and how they can be treated.

An allergic reaction is simply a reaction to foreign substances that the immune system has reacted too strongly upon their physical contact. There are several types of allergic reactions. These include drug allergies, food allergies and insect sting allergies. These allergies are easy to acquire and can also quickly develop in individuals. Let's examine the causes and symptoms of allergies.

Allergie-Inducing Factors

There are many causes of allergic reactions. Any substance can cause an allergy. Allergies can be caused by any substance that triggers your immune system. You can have an allergic reaction if you are exposed to certain risk factors. These risk factors can be broken down into two categories: host factors and environmental factors.

Allergy Variables

* Host Factors include genetic factors, heredity, age, and ethnic background. Heredity is the most significant risk factor for allergies. You will be more likely to develop allergies if your parents are allergic.

* Environmental factors: This includes direct exposure to disease as a child, diet changes, and pollution. Inhaling allergens, which are substances that can cause allergies, such as pollen, airborne dirt, dust and mold spores, as well as mite wastes, can lead to allergy symptoms. These are major triggers of allergy.

Other risk factors that may contribute to allergies are pregnancy and viral attacks (via mother-to-fetus). Virus infections and pregnancy can make the body's defenses less effective and weaker. This is because a foreign substance, or allergen, can have a higher chance of attacking the body and cause an overreaction from the immune system. Some people may experience allergic reactions to dietary supplements and drugs. Before you start any medication, it is best to consult your doctor.

Allergie Symptoms

Allergy to certain substances can cause symptoms, including skin and respiratory problems, as well as Benefits of cbd bath bombs gastrointestinal issues. They may even affect the heart in extreme cases. Different allergies can have different symptoms.

* Symptoms and signs of allergy include runny noses or sneezing. A severe allergy can cause wheezing, shortness or even coughing.

Trouble swallowing, difficulty swallowing, itching in the mouth, vomiting, and diarrhea are all symptoms of food allergies. Food allergies symptoms can also include stomach pains, irritation of the throat, mouth, and lips.

Other annoying symptoms that can be caused by allergies include ear infections, asthma, and even ear infections. An allergic person may also experience skin symptoms such as eczema or hives, headaches, and diminished sense of smell.

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