How To Support A Partner Who Is Suffering From Anxiety


How to support a partner who is suffering from anxiety

We can all agree that it is difficult to support a partner with anxiety. This blog will provide background information on anxiety in Australia and share some helpful tips for supporting your partner.

Beyond Blue1 reports that anxiety is on the rise in Australia. Experts agree that anxiety is on the rise, but they disagree about how to discuss causes and find solutions. Because each individual's illness is unique and can vary from person to person, this is why it is important to recognize that everyone is different.

Anxiety can cause people to feel overwhelmed, angry, or scared. It can be difficult for partners to support someone with anxiety. As their loved ones are suffering, partners can also feel confused and frustrated. It can be difficult to understand how to support their recovery and healing.

Anxiety can make a person's life difficult, as well as their partner. Anxiety can cause fear in those who provide support. You may feel helpless or out of control.

Living with an anxious person

It can be difficult to live with someone suffering from anxiety. Anxiety can be frightening because it makes someone with anxiety feel alone and isolated. No one understands what they are going though. If they have not experienced the anxiety and fears, how can they? It becomes difficult to make decisions because all of their faith and ability to manage it is gone. Sufferers feel lost and helpless. They lack the courage and strength to return to normality. They want peace and quiet.

Anxious thoughts are constant and overwhelming, leaving little room for 'thinking straight', that is, without worrying about the "what-if" or "what-if". Even if you are distracted by something, such as watching a movie or talking with friends, anxiety can still lurk in the background, running negative thoughts and scenarios. Anxiety sufferers may feel sorry for their situation, see themselves as a failure, or feel resentful toward others.

Four Tips to Help a Partner who is suffering from anxiety

The following information may be helpful for those who have anxiety-related partners.

1. Mindful Awareness

Mindful awareness can be a powerful tool for understanding and compassion if it is practiced properly. When you are able to identify your fears and feelings about your partner's anxiety, this is called mindful awareness. This will reduce the possibility of emotional conflict by becoming aware of your reactions, tolerance levels and patience, as well as the language you use to communicate with your anxious partner.

2. 2. Let your partner have the Anxiety

It is crucial that you take the time to understand that anxiety is not your problem as a partner.

Your partner must be able to feel the anxiety and you should support them. You must be aware of how your anxiety is affecting your partner. You can avoid reacting too strongly or getting emotional when your partner is experiencing anxiety.

3. Discuss the anxiety with your partner

Talking about anxiety and other fears with the patient is a good idea. However, it's important not to overdo it. Talking about anxiety is an important part of the healing process. Talking about their feelings too often - i.e. Anxiety can worsen when they get too involved in their stories.

It is important to show your partner that you care about them and how much they are loved. It is important to let your partner know you are available to help them with their anxiety. Be gentle. Be compassionate and understand.

4. Refrain From Judging

Don't try to judge or draw conclusions about your partner's feelings or thoughts. Do not tell your partner "this is the way you should think" or how they should feel. Your partner will have difficulty understanding their anxiety and its consequences. It will be difficult for your partner to understand why this is happening. They will not understand why it is happening if they hear phrases like "suck it up", or "snap it out of it". This just adds more pressure and makes matters worse. Don't judge.



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